Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Friendship, Trust and Respect

Trust is hallmark of all relations.  One factor which can withstand all other negatives in a relationship is trust.  If this trust is broken,  it has a significant effect on the relationship and can ruin  it.

How does friendship begins?

One can't be friend with all and sundry.  For a friendship,  it is necessary to have same wave length.  It is based on mutual respect.  You admire the person who is your friend,  feel proud of him and envy him for certain qualities which you don't have. And very rarely you find such person.

And what happens if after finding such a wonderful person, you break his trust. You do act which belittles you in front of him.  You lose his respect and friendship. It is nothing but a disaster for you.

Once this happens,  it is very difficult to regain it.  And even if regained, sometimes its never the same.

But if you have made a mistake,  broke a friend's trust,  lost his respect,  you can apologise, honestly and sincerely and hope that he shall return to accept you as your friend.

And if he doesn't, its your loss for the deed you do and only you are responsible for that!!

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